Class 6th science 1st chapter some mcq

SUBHAM TUTORIAL CBSE Class 6th CH 1 Food: Where Does It Come From? (MCQs) food : where does it come from MCQs Q1: What are the ingredients of preparing Chapati ? (a) Atta (Wheat Flour) only (b) Water only (c) Both Atta and water (d) None of these Q2: Which of the following is NOT an ingredient for preparing Dal ? (a) Pulses (b) Kerosene (c) Oil or Ghee (d) Salt Q3: Which one of the following is a carnivore animal? (a) Sparrow (b) Owl (c) Parrot (d) Cow Q4: Materials required to prepare a food item are called (a) Nutrients (b) Ingredients (c) Nourishments (d) Minerals Q5: W...